The metropolitan chapter of St. Vitus in Prague
Welcome to the website of the Prague metropolitan chapter. Learn about our activities, people and the way we have managed and maintained many historic buildings for generations.


About the metropolitan chapter
The history of the metropolitan chapter dates back to 973, when it was established as a group of priests. That makes it the oldest legal entity with continuous activity in the Czech lands. The chapter’s size, importance and role have changed in the course of history, but its mission remained – the organization of ceremonial services and management of the St. Vitus rotunda, that later became a basilica and eventually the St. Vitus, Wenceslas and Vojtěch cathedral.
since 971
Thanks to the year of its foundation, the Prague Metropolitan Chapter is the oldest institution in the Czech Republic.
since 2006
The Chapter becomes again the administrator of the Cathedral of St. Vitus, Wenceslas and Vojtěch.
10 canons
The Chapter has been governed and administered by canons from the beginning. Today there are ten of them.

Activities of the metropolitan chapter
The metropolitan chapter, in alignment with its mission, is the organizator of many activities. Some are organized independently, others the chapter participates at or supports. Some of the most significant activities are:

The maintenance of the St. Vitus cathedral
The metropolitan chapter together with the Prague castle administration takes care of the operation of the St. Vitus, Wenceslas and Vojtěch cathedral, mainly in the area of ecclesiastical and cultural activities. It has a major part in the development of this most important cathedral in the Czech Republic.

Television broadcasting from the cathedral
At the turn of 2017-18, the Metropolitan Chapter launched an absolutely unique internet television project. If you are unable to attend any of the church festivals in person during the year, we now offer streaming video broadcasts which you can watch from the comfort of your own home.

St. Vitus Organ Nights
The metropolitan chapter organizes the traditional festival of the Saint Vitus Organ Nights, that are being held under the auspices of the Prague archbishop, in cooperation with the management of the Prague castle. The festival takes place each June in the cathedral, and it offers an extraordinary experience of organ music, played by some of the most renowned organists within the monumental architecture of the cathedral.

St. Vitus choirs
The metropolitan chapter organizes the musical accompaniment of the cathedral’s liturgical ceremonies thanks to the Prague cathedral choir and the Children’s cathedral choir. The ensembles hold regular performances in the cathedral, but they also take part on various domestic and foreign festivals. The dramaturgy of the choir is focused on Czech and international spiritual music.

Man and Faith
This is a fellowship of photographers who photograph services and Christian events. Its formation several years ago is closely linked to the Metropolitan Chapter. Initial contact between the photographer Roman Albrecht and the Dean of the Chapter, Ondřej Pávek, subsequently led to closer cooperation and eventually to the founding of the “Man and Faith” fellowship. Every year, the fellowship exhibits its photographs on the premises of the Metropolitan Chapter – in the Mladota House.

Chapter’s library
The metropolitan chapter has always been collecting manuscripts and later printed books, for the purposes of its canons’ studies. Thanks to this activity, the library is one of the oldest ones in the Czech Republic today. It contains an extensive historical archive including a music collection and a book fund that is being catalogued. The library is available for scientific purposes.

Prague cathedral school
The school focuses on the Gregorian chant, continuing the tradition of this chant that’s being held in the cathedral since the 2nd half of the 14th century. The unanimous singing regularly accompanies the conventional service in the cathedral.

St. Vitus treasure exposition
Ever since its beginnings, the metropolitan chapter preserves and protects the St. Vitus cathedral treasure. Currently, a part of the treasure is exposed in the court St. Cross chapel at the Prague castle. The exhibition is being held under the auspices of the Prague archbishop and the president of the Czech Republic, in cooperation with the management of the Prague castle.